it was difficult to figure out the situations of many businesses in the tourism industry which have nothing to do with the government approval and license . 観光関連産業には、許認可を要さない業種も少なくなく、把握が困難であった。
on the other hand , in the railway agency of ministry of communication that was in charge of approval and license on private railways , the business reduced greatly . その一方で、私鉄の監督、許認可を行なっていた逓信省鉄道局においても、業務が激減する事態が生じた。
related to this issue , insisting that the income has decreased , the work conditions have worsened , and the number of traffic accidents has increased due to relaxation of the taxi regulations , four taxi drivers of corporate taxi companies in osaka prefecture brought a lawsuit against the nation , demanding revoking the approval and license for increase in the number of taxis and for reduce in taxi fares , and demanding damages of about a half million yen per person , with the osaka district court in october 2005; however , the osaka district court dismissed the lawsuit on march 25 , 2009 , saying that people cannot say excess of supply and extreme decrease in drivers ' income were due to the relaxation of the taxi regulations . この問題に関連して、大阪府内の法人タクシーの運転手4人が、規制緩和による過度な増車等によって収入が低下し、労働条件の悪化と交通事故の増加を招いたなどとして、増車・運賃値下げの許認可取り消しと、1人当たり約50万円の損害賠償を国に対し求める訴訟を、2005年10月に大阪地方裁判所に起こしたが、同地裁は2009年3月25日に、「規制緩和があったからといって、供給過多や極端な運転手の給与水準の低下があったとは認められない」として、訴えを棄却した。